Hydraulic storage systems

Heat storage systems are used to balance the difference between
the heat production and the actual demand.

Depending on the specific requirements of the solution, various types and combinations can be used,
for which we will be happy to provide you with further information

You are also welcome to access our sales partner's website directly.


Vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten

Wide range of applications

Compatible with compression refrigeration systems, gas, heat pumps, log boilers or pellets or with drinking water heating

Verschiedenste Kombinationen

Various combinations

Multiple storage units can be customised to individual customer requirements by flexibly connecting several storage units to each other with extension bearings 

Nachhaltige Wärmenutzung

Sustainable heat utilisation

Buffer storage enables heat to be stored efficiently and utilised on demand, which means less heating is required and therefore costs are reduced

Nachträgliche Erweiterung

Subsequent extension

Storage can be customised or expanded later on

Zukunftsorientierte Lösung

Future-oriented solution

Due to the possibility of connecting to photovoltaics, heat storage systems offer a sustainable solution


Heat recovery

Waste heat from compression refrigeration systems is used to produce drinking or heating water

The listed standard types of storage heaters are available at short notice,

all other customised products on request.